Boeing's chief executive, Dave Calhoun, addressed concerns over the safety of the company's airplanes as he arrived on Capitol Hill for meetings with U.S. lawmakers. The aviation giant has faced increased scrutiny after a panel tore off a 737 Max 9 jet flown by Alaska Airlines earlier this month. United Airlines Holdings Inc. also announced that it is reevaluating its long-term plans for Boeing's biggest 737 Max jet, the Max 10, following the grounding of numerous Max 9s by the government.

During a conversation with reporters on Capitol Hill, Calhoun emphasized, "We fly safe planes. We don't put airplanes in the air that we don't have 100% confidence in." He further stated that he was meeting with lawmakers "in the spirit of transparency" to address any concerns they may have.

As part of the ongoing scrutiny, Ben Minicucci, the CEO of Alaska Airlines, revealed in an interview with NBC News that loose bolts were found on "many" of its Boeing 737 Max 9s after a mid-flight incident occurred. Moreover, a Boeing 757 plane operated by Delta Air Lines experienced a nose wheel detachment at Atlanta's main airport over the weekend, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

Boeing aims to address these safety concerns and regain trust by diligently working with industry partners and regulators.

Bill Peters contributed

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