Overview of Breaking Equity

Breaking Equity is a financial technology company that provides a comprehensive suite of investment services. Their platform helps individuals, families, and businesses manage their portfolios and access the markets more easily. Through their secure online portal, users can access a range of tools to help them monitor performance, research stocks, and ETFs, purchase and sell investments, track expenses, and more.

Features of Breaking Equity

Breaking Equity offers a wide range of features for its customers. These include:

Portfolio management: Users can view an overview of their portfolio performance in real-time as well as drill down into individual holdings. They can also set up custom alerts for when prices reach certain thresholds or patterns emerge in their investments.
Research & Analysis: Breaking Equity provides data-driven insights into the markets, allowing users to make informed decisions about their investments. They also offer research reports and other tools to help investors determine which stocks and ETFs are suitable for their portfolios.
Trading & Execution: Breaking Equity offers a range of order types, quick trades, and competitive commissions that make trading easy.
Tax Optimization: With its integrated tax-loss harvesting feature, Breaking Equity helps users reduce their taxes while still taking advantage of market growth.
Reporting & Tracking: The platform’s tracking tool helps users keep an eye on portfolio changes over time while its reporting tools provide detailed summaries of performance and expenses.

The cost associated with using Breaking Equity

Breaking Equity offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs. They offer two main plans: an Essential plan and a Pro plan.

  • Essential – This plan includes access to all the platform’s features, including portfolio management, research & analysis, tax optimization, and reporting & tracking. The cost of this plan is $5 per month per account.
  • Pro – This plan gives users access to additional features such as advanced trade execution tools and reduced commissions on trades. The cost of this plan is $15 per month per account.

How to set up a trading account on the platform?

Setting up a trading account on Breaking Equity is easy. All you need to do is create an account on their website and provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. You will then be asked to link your bank account so that you can fund your account. After you’ve completed the setup process, you’ll be ready to start trading.

Steps for navigating the dashboard

Navigating the Breaking Equity dashboard is simple. After logging in, you will be presented with an overview of your portfolio’s performance. From there, you can access different sections of the platform such as research & analysis, trading & execution, and tax optimization. You can also view your account details, change settings, and make deposits or withdrawals.

Tips for making successful trades on Breaking Equity

  • Do your research – Before you make any trades, it’s important to do some research into the investments that you are interested in. Look at factors like past performance, current trends, and potential risks before making any decisions.
  • Set limits – Setting up parameters such as stop-losses can help protect your portfolio from sudden market swings.
  • Keep abreast of news and developments – The markets are constantly changing, so it’s important to stay informed about what is happening around the world. This will help you make better trading decisions.

How to Get Started on Breaking Equity Platform?

To get started on Breaking Equity, all you need to do is create an account and link your bank account. You’ll then be able to start setting up your portfolio and making trades. The platform is designed with beginners in mind, so it’s very easy to use even if you don’t have a lot of trading experience. Breaking Equity also offers a range of educational resources such as webinars, tutorials, blogs, and more to help new users learn the ins-and-outs of investing. So whether you are just getting started or looking for ways to hone your skills, Breaking Equity has something for everyone.

Review Summary

Pros Cons
Comprehensive content on financial topics Limited content on some topics
Expert commentary from renowned professionals Complex financial terms may be difficult to understand for novice investors
Actionable insights and recommendations
Customizable alerts and breaking news updates


Breaking Equity is a financial technology company that provides a comprehensive suite of investment services, including portfolio management, research & analysis, trading & execution, tax optimization, and reporting & tracking. They offer two pricing plans: an Essential plan for $5 per month per account and a Pro plan for $15 per month per account. Setting up an account on the platform is easy and navigating the dashboard is simple. Finally, users should consider the following tips to make successful trades on Breaking Equity: researching thoroughly before investing, setting stops and limits when trading, diversifying portfolios to reduce risk and staying up to date with market news. With its range of features and competitive fees, Breaking Equity can help investors manage their portfolios more effectively.

Comprehensive content on financial topics
Expert commentary from renowned professionals
Actionable insights and recommendations
Customizable alerts and breaking news updates
Limited content on some topics

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