The composite Thailand SET Index SET, +0.36% saw a 0.3% increase to close at 1,415.27 on Thursday.

Top Performers

During the session, Jasmine Tech Soln JTS, +6.02%, a leading technology company, recorded the highest gains, jumping 10.7%. Retail/wholesale firm PTG Energy PTG, +1.84% also performed well, with a 6.0% increase. Sri Trang Agro-Industry STA, -0.65%, operating in the industrial goods space, secured its spot in the top three leaders of the day with a 5.3% surge in share prices.

Declining Stocks

On the other hand, Thai Group Holdings TGH, -2.96%, a financial services firm, experienced the largest decline, falling 3.0%. This was followed by industrial goods company Delta Electronics DELTA, -2.93%, which saw a 2.7% drop in share prices. Financial services company Thai Life Insurance TLI, -2.12% also saw a decrease of 2.2%.

Southeast Asia Market Overview

In other parts of Southeast Asia, Singapore's FTSE Straits Times Index STI, +1.43% witnessed a 1.4% increase, while Malaysia's FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI FBMKLCI, +0.22% recorded a 0.2% gain. The Philippines' PSEi Index PSEI, +0.87% rose by 0.9%, and Indonesia's JSX Composite Index JAKIDX, +0.80% climbed 0.8%.

Asia-Pacific Market Highlights

Moving to the Asia-Pacific region, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index HSI, +2.52% showed strong growth with a 2.5% increase. However, the NIKKEI 225 Index NIK, -0.42% in Japan experienced a 0.4% decline. China's Shanghai Composite Index SHCOMP, +1.38% ended on a positive note, rising by 1.4%.

South Korea's KOSPI Composite Index 180721, +1.60% saw a notable gain of 1.6%, while Australia's S&P/ASX 200 Benchmark Index XJO, +0.70% recorded a 0.7% increase.

Currency Updates

In terms of currency exchange rates, the U.S. dollar USDTHB, -0.41% slipped by 0.5% against the Thai baht to 34.17 baht. Similarly, the euro EURTHB, -0.28% decreased by 0.3%, amounting to 38.00 baht.

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